=> Common cmd responses are consumed by the GUI above, all other cmds end up here
Advanced info
1. Read Harry's serial API PDF to understand what parameters are used by each GET or SET command.
2. You have to a) SET something, b) save to EEPROM, then d) GET it again to make a cmd "stick" and update the GUI hence a macro is usually 3 cmds.
- set and get commands have square brackets [CMD] and responses have curly brackets {CMD}
3. The GUI consumes and responds to all common Desktop 80-10 {CMD} responses.
- uncommon or unknown {CMD} responses appear in the adv table and can be edited and saved for later use.
- a single space separates each [CMD] from it's parameters and commas separate multiple commands.
4. The SET and GET menus contain all currently documented API cmds. Use them to build and save macros.
bands: 00=2190m 01=630m 02=160m 03=80m 04=40m 05=30m 06=20m 07=17m 8=15m 9=12m 10=10m 11=6m 12=4m 13=2m 14=70cm 15=23cm
Current schedule is "default"
Scheduler info
1. Click [TX Off] to set WSPR mode to idle.
2. Click in the Matrix to turn band hours on and off.
3. Click [activate selected schedule] to start beaconing, it will auto-start at the next even 2 minutes.
- hours in the scheduler are YOUR LOCAL TIME to make grey lines easy to use.
- you can change the Matrix hours while the schedule is running, no need to click [activate selected schedule].
- schedules can't be stored in the Zac and will run only while this page is active.
selection quickie: click a band or hour blue label for a whole row or column. Use the menu for saving Scheds.
ZachTek info
1. Connect your ZachTek 80-10 desktop device to your computer via USB cable.
2. Click the [Open serial] button and select your ZachTek's USB Serial port.
- you should then see data being transferred and the stored ZachTek settings appear.
3. Proceed as per normal ZachTek operation:
- enter new or change any existing callsign settings
- click the bands of choice in the enable column
- select [TX On] to start the WSPR beacon cycle, it will auto-transmit on the next even 2 minutes + 1 second
- each WSPR transmit cycle takes 110.6 seconds
5. Click [Save settings] to permanently store changes in the ZachTek
- if you close the page the ZachTek will keep operating in its saved state
6. [Jan 2025 mods] Feedback to vk7jj at me dot com